Wednesday, December 5, 2012

First Transfusion a Success!

Hey there!  If we are friends on facebook than you already know that our first transfusion was a success!  I don't even know where to start.  Jeremy was able to fly in last minute to be with me for this procedure! Thank the Lord for airline miles!!

We both had a really good feeling going in that God's plan was going the way it should and while we were preparing our hearts for bad news somehow it didn't seem necessary.  We never once had a feeling of dread or panic.  It was simply peaceful.  The nurses and doctors kept commenting on how calm we seemed.  It also helped immensely that everyone was on the ball and explained everything perfectly.  Not once were we confused or felt like there was a lack of communication between nurses and doctors.  Everyone played their part with professionalism and with caring hearts.  What more could we ask?!

My parents were also at the hospital keeping Caden entertained and there for support.  So blessed to have them so close right now.  We've spent far too many years living on opposite ends of the country!

As I said, everything went smoothly.  I was prepped, got to wear the cool paper gown, surgical cap and some awesome stockings and thick red socks ;)

I also made sure to wear the angel pin I was given after we lost Christian.  I wanted to remember him throughout the whole thing.  All the nurses just loved seeing it which helped me talk about him and not be anxious.  I'm sure he was with God watching over his baby sister. 
Once I was ready to go I was wheeled upstairs, Jeremy dropped off in the waiting area to hang with my family and into the OR we went.  I was given some "feel good" juice that I had to fight against to stay awake because I wanted to hear everything the doctors were saying.   I couldn't see anything since they had a sheet draped in front of my face so I had to just picture it. 
One of the doctors kept whispering to me to remember to breathe slow and gently so I didn't make my belly move but that was easy to do on the meds ;)  They numbed my belly with just a little tiny shot that stung for just a second.   Guided by ultrasound Dr. Moise went in with a needle and retreived a sample of her blood.  They then tested it to see what her red blood cell count was to help determine how much blood to give her.  She was anemic, but not hydropic at all which is great news.  They also tested her blood to see if she was indeed positive for kell.  Which we learned today at my post-opp appointment that she is. 
(In case this has been confusing and hard to keep track of I have two antibodies that attack baby's red blood cells, -D, and -kell.  We knew from the very first blood test that she was positive for D, but wouldn't know for sure about kell until we could draw her blood directly.) 
You can also catch up on those posts here: New baby MarxTreatments: Plasmapheresis and IVIG.
Anyway once they knew how much blood to give her they gave it to her through the umbilical cord and put more in her abdomen that she will slowly absorb.  Isn't that really cool?  So right now her blood is 75% new blood that is O+ and negative for kell so my antibodies will not be attacking her new blood! The other 25% is still her blood that will die off because they are being attacked.  So my next transfusion is Tuesday.  And the one after that will be the Thursday after Christmas. 
This month is going to be CRAZY.  Amongst my transfusions Jeremy is finishing his finals and getting his next surgery the weekend before Christmas.  January will be much more chill. 
OOH!  I am excited that I no longer have to do the weekly IVIG treatments :) So that's two days a week I wont be stuck on the couch!
Ok so now hopefully ya'll have a good idea of what we're doing around here with the transfusions and how they work so when I give future updates I won't be so long winded :) I've tried to be to the point but give enough info to understand the process.  Please don't be shy about asking questions.  I don't mind answering them! 

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