Monday, May 5, 2014

Sugar detox: Be prepared

Did y’all have a great weekend? We did, and it was probably because I put the sugar detox on hold. haha! I HAD to.  There was nothing I could eat in my house, besides the produce, that did not have added sugars.  Even if it was organic, there was added sugars.  So I wanted to share today some thoughts on this sugar detox and what will be happening going forward!

First of all, I started this thing on a whim thinking “ I really don’t want to eat all this candy anymore.”  I thought it wouldn’t be that difficult because we bought lots of healthy foods during the week and don’t eat desserts (Other than my candy stashes) But I knew I could easily replace those sweet cravings with some of my favorite fruit and nut snacks.  As I started paying closer attention to the ingredients of the everyday products we buy, I was shocked to see the sneaky things that contain sugar! For example, My lunch meat. What?! Granted, I know buying some lunch meat is not the healthiest because it’s not fresh from the deli, cut in front of you, preservative free stuff. But why in the world is there sugar in there?  Also, this isn’t exactly sneaky, because it was right there on the ingredients list, but I read that list 5 different times every morning before I poured our organic cereal in my bowl.  And the only sweet thing I saw on the list was Honey.  Cool, right? That’s what I was allowing myself to have anyway, honey and maple syrup when I needed to sweeten something like coffee or oatmeal for example.  Then then I read it again and SUDDENLY I see the word SUGAR.  Where did that come from?! I’m convinced my brain has been programmed to overlook the word sugar, or tricky words that also mean sugar.  Sucralose, Syrup, dextrose, evaporated can juice, etc.  I’ve never thought so much about how much sugar we are eating in a day, I just didn’t care.  But now that I want to take a break from it, it’s like a curtain has been lifted and I can see the truth and it’s really nasty!

Next, I’m giving myself some, no, A LOT of grace because I have not been able to go a single day without having added sugars.  Not because I craved it, but because it’s literally in everything. 

I need to better prepare myself for this task.  My kitchen needs to be re-stocked with no sugar added foods.  And no, not that sugar free stuff. That’s even worse! Real, no sugar added foods! And guess what that is in a nutshell?  Nothing processed. Real foods. Fresh foods. Anything packaged is most likely going to contain sugars.  I could not, in good conscience, just go buy new foods and not eat what we had on hand.  It’s not in the budget folks.  So realistically I need to just replace foods as we need them with stuff that doesn’t contain added sugar, or make it myself! As I find these foods, I’ll share them with you!  My kitchen is not far from being rid of the extra sugar stuff.  It’s the bread, lunch meat, & yogurt mainly.  Tomorrow is a grocery shopping day that I’m dreading more than usual because I have a feeling it will result in me having to hit up a couple different stores to find the stuff I want.  Don’t you hate having to shop at more than one grocery store?! 

Wish me luck! And thanks for continuing to follow along! Come back tomorrow for Tipsy Tuesday where I share fun, interesting, random tips I’ve learned!



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