Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Real sick, really messy, Real life

Today I had to laugh at myself and my life right now.  If you know me, or read my blog at all, you know how much I love to schedule and plan and organize.  Schedules make me happy.  I am constantly trying to implement new routines and organizational strategies to make our home run more efficiently.  These schedules and routines end up being more of an "idea" of what our days/weeks can look like.  More often then not I feel like super woman if even just one day falls into my ideal outline of chores to be completed, meals to be cooked, workout done, and fun time spent with Caden.  (I only name Caden here because let's face it, Mikalyn's source of entertainment so far is simply watching the family and her hands with amazement) 

With school starting in just two weeks, I thought (two weeks ago) it would be smart to get us all in the routine of getting to bed on time, and waking at a certain time so school wouldn't be such a shock when it starts.  Great idea right?! I thought so too! The first week went well.  I was loving getting up early, starting my morning and being so productive by the time lunch rolled around! Then Mikalyn got sick.  Sick babies are the fastest way to kill a routine! She had a couple of stools with blood in it (don't panic! she's ok) and a slight fever so I took her to the doc and they advised it could be a dairy allergy.  After sending a sample to the lab her results came back normal...meaning no infections to worry about.  So we're sticking with the dairy allergy idea for now....

What do you do for a dairy allergy in a baby?!  Well because I breastfeed I get to participate in the "no dairy diet".   Cutting out dairy in my diet prevents the milk protein from getting to baby's tummy and making her sick.  This. Is. Hard.  It's amazing how much dairy I normally consume a day.  I love milk.  Always have.  I have cheese as a snack, yogurt for breakfast or snack, a glass of milk, cheese on top of everything.  Caden is also in love with cheese.  Thankfully he has a gut like mine and can eat everything with no adverse reactions :) So Caden still gets cheese. And I get to serve it to him...and salivate.  Sadly it's been a week of no dairy for me and have noticed improvement in Mikalyn.  She spits up A LOT less and her stools are normal.  Yes I said sadly.  I was secretly hoping it was just a random weird thing that had nothing to do with anything and life would continue as normal with cheese and yogurt in my belly. 

Next Mikalyn got a terrible ear infection.  I say terrible not because the doctor deemed it as one, but because she was inconsolable until her meds kicked in and gave her some relief.  Or she exhausted herself from crying and fell asleep.  Poor little miss.  This was Thursday.  The next day she wakes up with extremely red eyes that obviously bother her because she's constantly rubbing them with her little fists.  After a call to the doc to see what he thinks, we're on our way to his office for the third time that week.  He prescribed her some eye ointment.... yes ointment, not drops.  Have you ever tried to gently put ointment into a baby's eye before?!  It's the worst.  Trying to hold her little head straight and keep her eyelid open while you attempt to put ointment onto her terrified little eye looking at you.....breaks your heart.  She got better.  (Every time I say something with "got better" I automatically say it in my head like the line from monty python and the holy grail.)   haha. ohh goodness. Really though, she's much better now! Back to herself which includes smiles and sleeping through the night! (mostly)

So this weekend I was ready to start fresh and get back into it.  And I got sick. I now have strep throat and am terrified of getting the kids sick.  Especially Mikalyn.  I have ups and downs of feeling good and feeling like I've been hit by a truck.  I'm on my own meds now that should have me feeling better in a couple days.  In the meantime I get to try and work on TWO papers for my classes this week and take a two part midterm. Yeehaw.

As you can probably imagine my house is currently a mess.  Jeremy has taken to doing the dishes because as one of my most hated chores I let the dishes pile up in the sink.  I run my hand across the furniture in an attempt to get rid of the dust, fold laundry that's been sitting in baskets for days, try not to notice the bathrooms that need cleaning,  and all I keep thinking is how awesome it is that Caden starts pre-school in two weeks!!  I feel bad that I'm not emotional about it.  Maybe because he has gone to a mother's morning out program before?  This is different though because he will be going 5 days a week!  And it's an actual school, not just a MMO.  I'm mostly excited for Caden.  It will be nice for me to have mornings to work on school work, but Caden has been in a season with us where we allow a little too much tv and ipad time.  Some serious mom guilt going on over here.  So I'm thrilled for him to be going to school to learn and be social with his friends! 

My life right now looks nothing like I pictured it not long ago.  I haven't yet figured out how to realistically get workouts in my days.  My garden is about to be torn out because I can't devote the time and energy to taming it and the bugs that are wreaking havoc! I had a desire to home school Caden that changed because of our decision for me to go back to school and work towards my degree.  I'm so thankful I get to do it, and love the challenges it's already bringing me, but, in the words of my dad: "holy buckets!" this is hard!  Make no mistake I do look for the blessings in everything but Jesus has to help me with that because this mama can't do it all by herself!

Just thought I would share what's up around here for REAL.  The not-so-glamorous life of Jessi :)

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