Monday, June 11, 2012

Back from my Blog break!

Hey there friends!  I just took some unintentional time away from blogging and boy did I miss it!

I don't even know where to start!  Life has been a whirlwind the past few months.  I've started a garden, Jeremy has been gone off and on for work, took a road trip to Key West, and finally we took an amazing vacation just the two of us to Italy!!

I've also been focusing so much more on the health of our family by continuing to buy and cook REAL food.  Don't worry I haven't forgotten about my pending blog posts on what the bible says about food.

Finally I've planned a funtastic summer full of activities for Caden.  He is at such a fun (and of course challenging) age.  But mostly fun!

That being said, I have a list of blog posts I can't wait to share with yall!  Here's what you have to look forward to:

*Weekly "Let's be Honest" posts and link up party.
*What does the bible say about Wheat?
*Getting back into my Week in Pictures posts! (Those were so FUN.  I have no idea why I stopped)
*Sharing about a Clothes Swap party I hosted MONTHS ago!
*My fabulous Closet Re-do.
*My Garden.  I honestly can't believe I haven't started a garden sooner.  It's so fun and rewarding!
*Real food cooking and meal planning.  Just sharing my trials and errors as a beginner!
*Our Key West Road trip
*Our upcoming adventures in building a chicken coop and raising chickens!
*And of course our trip to Italy!

And whatever else comes up that I decide would be fun to share.  Are you excited?! I know I am!  I look forward to catching up with you :)


  1. excited!!! :) love you girl!!

  2. Missed you Jessie! Sounds like you had some good times and have some exciting things to come :)

