Thursday, August 30, 2012


Where to begin?! I guess I will start by saying God is absoluteley amazing.  We already knew that but oh my goodness He really has shown us these past few days.  Seeing a plan He has had in the works for us suddenly unveiled has rocked our world. 

So now let me start from the beginning.  When I first found out I was pregnant I started researching a lot and I learned of two treatments that can be done to help lower my antibody count until the baby can be big enough for transfusion, or in some cases help avoid the need for transfusions all together! They are called Plasmapheresis and IVIG.  The details of these treatments are important but for the sake of not completely blowing your minds in one post I will tell you more about them and how they will work in a different post, and after I’ve been able to discuss more with the doctor. 

These treatments aren’t experimental, but definitely innovative in dealing with pregnancies like mine.  Of course because it’s so rare not many doctors know about it, or have used them for treating rh-sensitized pregnancies. 

I contacted the leading doctor in this field who is located in Houston, TX just looking to find out more info about it and if they would recommend it for me so I could share the info with doctors here when I had my first appointment.  I didn’t expect to get in touch with them right away, or to experience the level of service they have been providing!!  The doctor’s name is Dr. Moise and he works at the Texas Fetal Center in Houston.  I called the office and the receptionists were completely helpful and put me straight through to his wife Karen Moise who is an RN and works with him.  She was, and still is, awesome.  She listened to my questions, asked her own questions about our history and said she would discuss everything with her husband and call me back.  Only 30 minutes later my phone was ringing and she was offering to assist in any way possible.  She sent a peer to peer letter of recommended treatment methods that I could share with my doctor and an article explaining the methods. 

I was blown away! She also offered to have me come there for the transfusions if I could not find a doctor here that was practiced enough.  She was my new favorite person.  Not only did they take the time to talk with me, but they did it right away, and actually cared. 

So I finally had my appointment with the local specialist Tuesday.  Dr. Hill.  She explained that because they don’t have another doctor in her office yet that I would have to go to Atlanta for the transfusions.  I told her about the treatments we wanted to do and after reading the letter and seeing that it was from Dr. Moise she was immediately on board.  I also asked what she thought about me seeing Dr. Moise in Houston, or just working with the office in Atlanta.  She advised that I could see whomever I wanted and felt comfortable with and that if we chose Houston that I should move there for the duration of the pregnancy.  But in the meantime she would call Dr. Moise and work out a course of action to start the Plasmapheresis and IVIG! 

We also got some awesome little pics of the baby and my sweet friend Sarah who works with Dr. Hill was able to come in and hear the heartbeat with me Smile It was such a fun appointment!

SO,  I came home and discussed everything with Jeremy. (he couldn’t be there because he had class) We realized the office in Atlanta are the same doctors that we were seeing with Christian.  While we don’t blame the doctors for what happened, we do feel they should have been more aggressive.  So then the headache began of how in the world I would go to Houston for the WHOLE pregnancy while Jeremy is here trying to take his med school pre-reqs, and about to have surgery on his legs (That’s a whole other post in itself!!). I have family in Houston that I could stay with and of course I would bring Caden with me, but would Jeremy even be able to concentrate on school knowing everything I’m going through? We’ve been apart obviously for deployments and trainings, but this was a whole new ball game.  It’s ME leaving, and not being in my own environment, going through A LOT, without Jeremy.  Not to mention him going through surgery and in school without me here to help! What’s he going to eat? Who’s going to clean the house? LOL! Those last two questions are jokes, he’s perfectly capable of cooking and cleaning for himself Winking smile But recovering from surgery by himself is definitely a concern. I quit thinking about it just saying to myself “it’s not up to me! none of this is. God will show us what to do” I immediately felt better.

The more we prayed about it the more apparent it was that Houston is the best answer for us and the baby.  There are some other things lining up with Jeremy’s work that we will know more about in the near future. 

For now, I’ll be going to Houston! My parents are driving down tomorrow and will drive with me to Texas in a week and be there with me the whole time. My Dad will drive back here to help Jeremy recover from surgery. So thankful for my parents! I also have family in Houston and my best friend from high school Jenn!  Wait, did you catch that part earlier?….. I leave in a WEEK.  I’m trying my best not to be anxious or stressed. 

Especially after my conversation with the doctor’s office in Houston today to make my first appointment.  The first appointment will be on the 12th, and will check to make sure the baby is still ok.  Then game plan on when to start the treatments.  The reality that I could get all the way there and the baby not have a heartbeat anymore is terrifying.  For some reason I’m suddenly struggling to hold on to the strength God has given me.  But I know it’s all still in His hands.  All I can do is keep praying. Pray the referral goes through without issues. Pray that these treatments help, and that next spring we get to meet this precious child and raise him/her to know God. 

So here we go! On a crazy adventure. What in the world do I pack?! Thank goodness Caden has no problem adapting to travel and change Smile Keep us in your prayers.  They are definitely working.  Love yall and I’ll be keeping everyone updated! Here’s an adorable little picture of our little gummy bear!





  1. Oh Jessi, I truly love reading your blogs. You are such a great writer and so positive and uplifting. I am so sorry your having to go through this again, but the way you look at it is so wonderful. Good luck to you and your family.

    Your amazing :)

  2. Oh my goodness what exciting news. Praying for you and your beautiful family!

  3. What an amazing chapter in your life. I know God will watch over you and your sweet family. My dad, retired air force, used to say that God was their Personnel Officer. Good luck to you!

  4. Sweet Jessi, you are doing an amazing job walking through this honestly. I am so sorry I was so behind the curve and just now figured out how this happened so quickly. I am in such a mom of two fog...I just missed the whole boat, I'm SORRY!! I'm excited that you have a doctor that cares...that makes all the difference in the world!!

