Friday, March 16, 2012

St. Patty’s Day Party!

Hey Friends!  We had a super fun St. Patty's party on Monday with our Mommy Matters group! I meant to blog this earlier in the week but alas, I did not. 

Let me start by saying this party would have been NOTHING without the help of my friends.  I was a little nervous the morning of because really all I supplied was the place, decor, and some lucky charms! HAHA!  Let's get started!


I apologize for this photo being so dark.  My camera died and I was only able to use my phone! But it’s one of the few I was able to get of the Rainbow tissue poofs I hung up!


Here’s a better one. Trust me when I say it was much more impressive and cute in person Winking smile 

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The food was so yummy!  We had rainbow fruit skewers, green grapes, shamrock jello jigglers and of course, lucky charms!


I think truffles should be a part of EVERY party. They are so divine!! These were one of the many goodies my friend Anna provided.  Mint Oreo truffles.  I wish I had one right now.

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Anna surprised us by bringing lunch! And not just any lunch, she was going with the Irish theme and made homemade potato soup in sourdough bread bowls.  With extra toppings such as cheese, bacon bits, and chives….. are you getting hungry? It was ridiculously good. 

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We also had green milk in these adorable mason jars! My dear friend Lindsay was not feeling well that morning but insisted on dropping of the supplies for us to enjoy!  I cannot tell you how much I love these lids and straws!  These are a must have.  And I cannot wait to get some for myself!

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The kids had such a good time! Look at all these adorable smiles!

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And the mommas had fun too Smile I made a photo backdrop for us to take pictures with our little ones!  And a little mustache photo prop that turned out to be so cute!

The party was a blast.  We all ate and had amazing conversations while the kids made a ginormous mess of all the toys Smile I hope yall have a blessed St. Patty’s day, and if it’s anything like here, enjoy this summer, I mean spring weather! Winking smile 


Linking up:

For the kids Fridays 

Big Family Friday

Just for Fun Fridays

Frugalicious Fridays


  1. This looks SO fun! What a great job, and it looks like all your friends and kiddos enjoyed it!
    Thanks for linking up with me today!

  2. wow-what an adorable idea-looks like a blast! Following you from finding fabulous-stop by for a visit!

