Thursday, April 12, 2012

Let's be honest #6: Food choices

Hey yall! So sorry this post is a day late! We've been super busy around here. Trying to get in a routine involving Jeremy (only to have him leave again for three weeks starting next week), and preparing for a wedding in the family out of town this weekend, with my sister in law visiting for two weeks I feel like I'm running around in circles!

You know when you clean your house and it still doesnt seem clean? That's been my issue since the hubs has been home! I've gotten used to just picking up after myself and Caden. Now we have Daddy and all his military gear!

Anyway, on to this week's topic. I wanted to start a discussion with yall about food. Real food. It seems as though there are waves of diets and health research that constantly contradict one another. And until recently not many people paid attention to whether or not they were eating REAL food. It was all about convenience. And I'll be honest, growing up I never thought about whether a food was real or fake! If it was sold as food, why would it be fake?

Before I became a stay at home mom I had no interest in cooking. I actually despised it. It was a huge chore after having worked all day. Now that I stay home I can actually meal plan, grocery shop, and cook a meal from scratch and get this.... I LOVE IT! I enjoy creating meals for my family and finding new recipes to try each week. (I still have yet to master the whole comparing sales and couponing thing) Maybe one day!

So in this new found love for cooking, we actually enjoy meals cooked at home way more than going out to eat. Not to mention the money it saves! Now if we choose to go out, it's for a date night.

I've also found a new interest in what kinds of food are best. We go back and forth with vegetarian type meals, gluten free, no red meat, etc. There are tons of websites, books, and magazines out there that promote each lifestyle and I would get so overwhelmed trying to figure out which was best!

So this got me thinking... In everything we do each day we should be seeking the Lord, and diving into the word for answers. But when it comes to what we eat, the focus is on the latest study, or research, which changes every other day, rather than what the Bible says! Food is such a BIG, GIANT part of our every day life, so I really want to know what God has to say, not what the latest fad is.

I'm just beginning in the research, but what I can say so far is that we know that eating REAL food, not processed fake foods is what's best for our bodies. Seems like something that's common sense right? And yet for many it's not!

So I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! Have you looked at scripture for guidance on food choices?

Link up with me!


  1. What a great blog! I'm going to become a stay at home mom in 2 weeks! I'm nervous about it, but excited about the extra time I'll have to invest in my family!

  2. HUMMM interesting subject so I have not study scripture but there are a few in my church that have. Their debate is over vegetarian or meat eating. I kind of stay out of it, they both make good points. I will say when I eat whole foods I feel so much better physically and emotionally. I love to cook and IN southern Ca it is easy to have lots of lovely whole food choices. My FIL died of prostate cancer last year so We really cut back on meat, as it has been linked to that cancer. Good post to get us thinking :)

  3. I'm kind of at the same spot you are. I am slowly weaning my family off 'yucky' foods and onto only real ones. Problem is, even sometimes that's tricky. It's so confusing when you are reading about food and food choices. I've also added this to my prayer routine, as I'm really confused as to what is 'good' and what is 'bad' at this point. I also have some behavior issues that could be linked to certain foods, but it's very overwhelming to try to separate out what the problem is and what it's not....all while dealing with a biz start up and less grocery $$ than I'm used to! Aghhhhh!!!!!! I'm looking forward to any future posts you have and comments left. Even though it's overwhelming, I love the information. Praying for you as you begin this journey :)

  4. I featured you today! Come grab your button!

