Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Baby update

I can't believe it's already been over a month since I last posted! Everything has been a whirlwind and to be honest I felt like I might have been overwhelming yall with all our "issues".  I could have been blogging about taking Caden to the zoo, and spending time with family too but with treatments twice a week, feeling sick, and many doctor's appointments, blogging was put on the backburner. 

SO i decided to blog today just about how we're doing and gloss over all the medical stuff.  However I got a call today from the doctor and there's a possibility of baby girl starting to become anemic.
Yesterday we started the doppler scans that monitor the baby's blood flow in the brain.  The levels were "on the high end of normal" according to the doctor.  Because I'm only 16 weeks there's not much they can compare them to since transfusions are not typically done until after 18 weeks.  So they drew some blood to check my titer levels.  Titers are what they look at to measure the levels of antibodies in my blood.  If yall remember the two antibodies I have are -D and -Kell.  My -D levels have thankfully stayed the same since my plasmapheresis treatments.  The -Kell unfortunately has gone up.  And the -Kell is more worrisome because it's the one that not only attacks the red blood cells of the baby, but prevents them from making more.
Tomorrow morning I will be going in first thing for the doctors to do another doppler ultrasound on the baby and measure her blood flow.  If the rate of blood flow is the same or lower then we will just continue to closely monitor the baby.  If it is even slightly higher it means the baby is becoming anemic and the doctors will need to give her some blood.   The baby is very tiny obviously so she is too small to access the umbilical cord to do a transfusion.  Instead they will put a little bit of blood in her belly that should keep her stable for a couple weeks.  My appointment is tomorrow morning at 7:30 and if they see she needs some blood than I will go in Thursday for it. 

How are we doing otherwise? Very well.  Caden and I are very homesick, and miss Jeremy A TON.  But my mom has been amazing taking care of us, and my Dad was able to take care of Jeremy while he recovered from his leg surgery. 

I've been hopeful and praying but also I have a guard up.  It has not been intentional but I noticed when a friend of mine asked what nursery theme I had planned.  I didn't have one! Not that I hadn't decided on one yet, but I literally had not even thought about it.  Realizing I hadn't been planning anything baby made me sad.  But I also know it's a defense.  The less I have planned the less I have to be sad about should she not make it. 

Regardless I remain hopeful and trusting in God's plan for the baby.  Will update everyone tomorrow after the appointment! Please pray that she's doing well and if she needs some blood that God guides the doctor's hands when doing the procedure. 


  1. Stephanie AbbottOctober 23, 2012

    Praying for you Jess and this little one! I know God will do whatever he sees is the best option! Youre a great mother and she is a great gift! Stay strong and I trust that everything will work out! I love you and yall are in my prayers! :) xoxo

  2. I definitely understand having your guard up -- it's hard not to! Praying for you and your sweet family!

  3. Stephanie HollifieldOctober 24, 2012

    We are praying for you and thinking about your family all the time! I respect you so much and love your heart. You are an awesome momma and an great example of love and sacrifice for your family.

